Deadly delight?

Most drink coffee, not only for its flavor and aroma, but for its stimulating and invigorating power that improves mood, reaction time, memory and cognitive functions. Together, it allows us to be active all day and enjoy better the activities we do.

A survey conducted by the Federal Consumer Procurator's Office (Profeco) , called: "Habits of buying coffee in a cup or prepared in the cafeteria", reveals that Mexicans consume two and a half cups daily of this drink; But how much coffee should be taken daily for it to be beneficial?

According to the expert Guadalupe Teresa Araujo , in his article "Coffee qualities and adverse effects", published by el National Institute of Public Health, the consumption of coffee should be two cups of grain per day, to enjoy its benefits without putting our health at risk.


Deadly delight?

A recent study published by the magazine Mayo Clinic Proceedings , indicates that excessive consumption of this beverage (greater than four cups a day), increases the risk of death among people under 55 years by 21%.

The research involved 43 thousand 727 volunteers (33 thousand men and 9 thousand women) between 20 and 87 years old, who answered questionnaires about life habits.

After a follow-up of 17 years, the study found an association between the consumption of more than 28 cups of coffee per week and the death of people under 55 years of age. Situation in which men showed a greater tendency to early death than women.

Interestingly, the researchers found no increase in the risk of mortality among people over 55 years of age, suggesting that young people in particular should take into account excessive coffee consumption.

Video Medicine: The Witcher 3 ► Salma the Succubus - Deadly Delights - Story and Gameplay #90 [PC] (April 2024).