Mark your abdomen and strengthen your arms!

6 out of 10 people in the world do not perform any physical activity to keep fit or take care of their health, which causes the accumulation of waist fat, sagging throughout the body and, therefore, overweight.

You do not need to go to a gym to activate yourself because the only tool you need to get fit is your own body and some links or ropes.

According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, the types of training like the TRX They activate the muscles better, they burn more fat in a short time.

The researchers clarify that people who practice exercises of TRX they prevent injuries in the spine, because the effort is made in each one of the muscles that you want to work.

If you want to start toning your body in a simple and risk-free way, check out the video where Mateo Martínez presents a routine that you can do from the park, your house or your favorite place.