In agreement Anna María Fernández , researcher in the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) , the sayings and proverbs are "living teaching", popular truths that reflect the essence of the human being, since they represent experiences and recommendations.

"Love goes when poverty enters" , reveals an imminent situation: in more than one household the economic crisis can cause frustration, arguments, claims and even separation. Couples are not always used to seeing the economy as an independent element to love, they consider it a pillar, that sustains the relationship and that without it all happiness is lost.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth , we present 3 simple ways to understand the situation and avoid problems in your relationship.



Patience is an attitude that can help you overcome setbacks, not only economic, patience shows maturity and understanding towards your loved ones.



Edgar Rodríguez , president of Peruvian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy (IPSICOC) , defines tolerance as the ability to digest, cope with and manage as much as possible the different events of our daily lives. Learn to listen, make a list of everything you want to say to your partner and propose solutions.



Avoid an inappropriate tone, when dealing with economic problems, as your partner can understand it as a claim. In the same way do not use offensive words, this can initiate an unnecessary discussion, because it will not solve the problem.

Do not forget that overcoming difficult stages like this can strengthen your relationship or indicate that you are on the wrong path; and then, you should improve communication with your partner. No one is exempt from living a difficult economic situation, but the ability to solve these types of problems shows your interest in maintaining the relationship. Think that love is priceless!