Other enemies ...

Have you had a headache for a long time after eating? Although by its frequency, who suffers it could think that it is migraine, the headache could have as a cause "habitual" food that makes it look chronic. As which?

Of the first that you must take care of are those that have additives, such as nitrites and some dyes that are present in some candies or sweetened drinks such as soft drinks.


In this case the headache is usually reflected on both sides, left and right, and occurs at a specific time after the food was consumed and is reduced while the body eliminates the substance, "describes Gálvez Jiménez, neurologist at the Cleveland Clinic.


Other enemies ...

The cause of your headache may be hidden in your favorite dishes. Discover them!


1. Dairy

These include the deslactosados, whole milk of cow and goat, cheese and yogurt. Why? According to PhysiciansCommitte , these foods cause a reaction in the blood vessels and nerves which causes headache.


2. Cold drinks

Here come smoothies, ice creams, chamoyadas. This type of pain is distinguished by a short duration of approximately 5 minutes, it also tends to be located in the middle of the forehead.


3. Soy sauce

It contains monosodium glutamate and is an additive that is also present in other foods. De10% to 15% of people who consume it suffer some kind of reaction that goes from cramps to headache, suggests Noah Rosen, director of the Institute of Headache in Shore-LIJ Health System North on Long Island.


4. Foods rich in salt

Especially dehydrated ones such as instant soups, canned fish, sausages, canned foods and snack, indicates the Bachelor of nutrition Alicia Crocco.

Advice. It is important that you maintain a balance in your meals, since in many occasions the headache is the product of an excess in the food "detonator" or in the accumulation of it in the body. Beware!