5 prohibited entries in a healthy meal

The tickets and appetizers They are part of a healthy meal because they can supplement you and provide other nutrients that are necessary for a balanced diet.

However, they can also be silent enemies, because we think that we can eat any type that they put on the table, besides believing that because of their smaller size, they probably do not contain as much fat or cholesterol . Which is a bad habit and belief.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present some of the tickets that you should avoid in your meals, due to its high content caloric and fat , according to the portal sanar.org:

1. Onion rings. The onion It is very beneficial for the organism, however, due to its preparation (capeadas and fritas), you get as a result more than 1500 calories and more than 80 grams of fat.

2. Spinach dip . The spinach It is one of the vegetables with the most nutrients for your body, but prepared in dip, which includes a high percentage of cream, it can raise its values ​​to 1500 calories and 100 grams of fat. If you want to enjoy this entry, substitute the cream for natural yogurt.

3. French fries with cheese. The fries with yellow cheese (or others) contain more than 2 thousand calories and 150 grams of fat, to which are added those extras, such as mayonnaise, ketchup or mustard: minimum 500 calories more.

4. Mini burgers. This entry can be very deceptive due to its size. Each can, according to their dressings and extra ingredients, provide up to 1000 calories and 100 grams of fat.

5. Stuffed potato shells. The caloric intake of potatoes can already be high, but if you also add melted cheese, meat (bacon) and cream, they can contain up to 150 calories each. But if a whole dish is consumed, it can provide about 1,000 calories and 100 grams of fat.

Remember, a healthy diet does not mean that you remove certain foods from your meals, on the contrary. The secret is knowing how to combine each of the ingredients, as well as making a substitution of those that are high in calories and fats , by others with a lower value.

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