Manias detonate bipolar disorder

Manias like attacks of excessive laughter and euphoria Excessive without reason, hyperactivity motor, loss of dream , paintings of irritability and periods of depression without any cause, are the main symptoms of Bipolar disorder , psychiatric problem that can occur from 15 years of age, although its highest incidence is between 25 and 35 years. It affects men more in proportion from two to one.

Although the cause is unknown, it has been linked to a hereditary tendency, but it is not decisive. The only thing that is known is that there are alterations in certain neurotransmitters that produce these behavior changes.

Experts mention that before this evil was known as manic depressive psychosis and it has always existed; However, in recent years it has become more important, not because it has increased, but because this mental problem has been more widely disseminated, in addition to the fact that some people affected are public or artistic figures.

It is the family and friends who, in daily life, detect that something strange happens in the person's behavior, which apparently is fine but over time and gradually, in adolescence, he begins to have changes in his way of being as to be very happy, enthusiastic, euphoric, dynamic and tireless, irritable or quarrelsome, more and more excessive behaviors that after a week go out of context and become something abnormal.

Who suffers this metal disorder he does not realize the changes in behavior, because he thinks it is normal to feel so happy and change his mood for depressive pictures, which become so serious, that he may have delusions, tendencies to hostility and aggression verbal or physical and even desires to take your own life.

This condition is known as bipolar because it starts with periods of mania (excessive joy and euphoria without motive); after two or four weeks a process of depression and after months a normal mood.

The person can be several years without presenting any alteration in their personality, because after the first episode (of mania or depression ), it may take more than four years for a second event to occur, but the time between them will be shortened until it occurs even once a year, if not treated.

The prescribed medications help to stabilize the neurotransmitters and the mood of the patient. They are administered orally in many cases. In addition, some patients require psychological therapies, and in most cases as soon as they leave the acute phase of mania and depression With good medical control they lead a normal social and family life.

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Video Medicine: Married with Bipolar – Bipolar Disorder: In Our Own Words (April 2024).