Watching TV affects sperm production

Do little exercise and spend more than 20 hours a week sitting watching TV , affect the production of semen and leads to a low count for men, says an investigation of the Harvard University , U.S.

In this study of the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) published in the magazine British Journal of Sports Medicine, the scientists observed that young, healthy men who saw 3 hours of TV daily, they had a 44% lower recount than those who almost did not see it, who had a higher sperm production.

They also confirmed that those men who did exercise for 15 hours or more per week, moderately or vigorously, they had a higher sperm production: 73% higher than those who did exercise less than five hours per week, according to

The researchers analyzed the semen quality of 189 men between 18 and 22 years of age, who were asked about the amount of time they spent exercise they looked TV and about other factors that affect sperm production, such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

On the results, the director of the study, Dr. Audrey Gaskins mentions that those who saw more TV , 20 hours or more, they had a sperm count of almost half of the men who saw less, so they also observed that watching television seemed to nullify the benefits of exercise.

While the cause for which to see the TV reduces sperm production are not yet clear, says the specialist, it could be because so many hours sitting increases the temperature in the scrotum, and sperm need lower temperatures to form properly.

In any case, the authors of the study conclude that to improve sperm production it would be convenient to practice some physical activity in a moderate way, as well as to have good habits of life.

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Video Medicine: Improving Fertility in Men with Poor Sperm Count | UCLA Urology (April 2024).