Avoid them and enjoy your life!

Time flies and you must take advantage of every minute of your lifetime to enjoy it to the fullest, but what shortens your life? According to an investigation of the University of North Carolina , there are certain factors that accelerate aging.

In the study published in the magazine Trends in Molecular Medicine , some toxic substances that are found in the environment, as well as some habits reduce your Life expectancy .

You may also be interested: 4 habits that cause premature aging


Avoid them and enjoy your life!


  1. Sun . Ultraviolet rays damage the skin and cause its aging In addition, if you expose yourself without protection, you run the risk of developing skin cancer. In addition, some biomarkers of aging are associated with the shortening of life expectancy and the development of neurodegenerative diseases.
  2. Tobacco . It is one of the most toxic and harmful substances that is consumed freely, that the smoke contains around four thousand toxic substances, therefore, those who consume it reduce their life expectancy seven years
  3. Obesity . Overweight is related to chronic-degenerative diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular or cancer, so your hope and quality of life is reduced too.
  4. Stress . Living with tension is not healthy, because excessive stress reduces defenses, increases the risk of heart disease and negatively impacts memory, which affects life expectancy.
  5. Arsenic and benzene . Exposure to these substances reduces the ability of DNA to self-repair and limit the production of telomeres (ends of chromosomes) so shortening the hope of life.

If you want to extend your life, you just have to acquire healthy habits such as exercise, reduce the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, as well as having a balanced diet. In this way you will enjoy life more in a positive way. And you, how do you prolong life?

Video Medicine: How to waste your life and be miserable. (or how to live and be happy) (May 2024).