5 exercises that you should avoid during your period

Cardiovascular exercise is ideal to practice during the menstruation since symptoms such as cramps, cramps, back pain decrease; however, there are other exercises that you should avoid in your period.

According to information published in Livestrong There are very few exercises that you should avoid in your period due to the inconvenience they can cause, due to possible "accidents".

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If you avoid these exercises that can make you uncomfortable you will have a few calmer days. However, if you decide to do physical activity it is important that you do it at your own pace, listen to your body and take breaks when necessary.

Remember to combine the exercises with a diet rich in fiber and adequate hydration to prevent fluid retention, which can make you feel bad. And you, what exercises do you avoid during menstruation?

Video Medicine: How to Workout & Eat According to Your MENSTRUAL CYCLE & Lose Weight | Joanna Soh (April 2024).