Traits of paranoia

Paranoia etymologically means "to be outside one's own mind " Diagnose a person with a level pathological of paranoia depends on many factors; the most important is the family , who will realize the gradual problem about the perception of the distorted world in your loved one.

Psychiatrists define the paranoid as "a person who believes he has reason and justifies its beliefs . Anyone who opposes their point of view is behaving badly with it or, at least, not understanding. "

The symptoms of who is potentially paranoid They may be more common than we imagine and we believe in normality.



1. The distrust more or less exaggerated has a range between normal and what pathological . We all have a certain degree without affecting the sanity .
2. Presence of delusions that will not necessarily sound off the reality ; in fact, the conjectures of paranoid it makes them look so real that they may seem true.
3. Hostility in the environment.
4. Resentment . The slightest sign of contempt arises hostility On your part.
5. Low self esteem .
6. Rigidity and authoritarianism.
7. Do not tolerate being taken contrary .
8. Difficulty for self-criticism .
9. Emotional coldness.
10. Egocentrism .
11. Interpersonal problems.
12. Chapters depressive (which decrease ideas increase paranoid and vice versa).
13. The need of an opponent.
14. Two behaviors different depending on who you are with.

There are other characteristics such as graphology or the constant use of neologisms that indicate that a person is potentially paranoid .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the graphologist, Maria Fernanda Centeno explains the characteristics of graphology:

Knowing that the paranoia It is not predictable, you should be aware of any symptoms, however normal they may be, such as jealousy exaggerated, the nervous tension wave distrust .

The paranoia It is a progressive and gradual disease, and can progress very slowly. However, it is necessary to be informed about it since it is not very common, and the symptoms are often attributed to other explanations, while the paranoia mine sanity of the person.

Video Medicine: Traits of Paranoid Personality Disorder (April 2024).