Lose weight and recover your figure with GetQoralHealth.com

Being thin and in shape should not be in a purpose, but in a constant action to improve your quality of life. An effective alternative for you to lose weight, and at the same time adopt better habits of life, is the program "+ Vida, -Kilos ", by GetQoralHealth

Through this online system, which was created by the nutritionist Monica Maza Y Paty Rivera , as well as experts in fitness and wellness, you can count on a program where you can lose weight in a personalized way

The only thing you need to do to "transform your body" is to enter GetQoralHealth and click on the tabLose weight , and in that moment you will be able to register in the program"+ Life, - Kilos" .  

In this way you can follow the food plan according to your profile, routine exercise , recipes , as well as related information to prevent you from overeating due to emotional factors such as stress loneliness anxiety I anger .

This lifestyle program is free; you only have to register basic data like your name, sex and physical activity to create your personalized plan, and voila, the rest depends on you. Do you want to know more? Check the video:

Remember that the most important thing is to take care of your health. When you have a program to lose weight , you not only gain years of life, you also raise your self-esteem and become a more productive person, with more energy, joy and safety.

This, without counting the enormous benefits they generate in your body, such as preventing heart attack , reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes suffer from problems hypertension , hip, among others. What are you waiting for? Give yourself the opportunity to see yourself and feel better!

Do you want to lose weight? Sign up with us and enjoy the new GetQoralHealth tool.

Video Medicine: What Losing Weight Does To Your Body And Brain (May 2024).