Learn to be more positive

According to a study carried out in the State University of New York Keeping a smile on your face makes you more attractive to others; In addition, you evoke positive thoughts, which improves your emotional well-being and your ability to achieve your goals.

Barbara Fraley and Arthur Aaron, psychologists of said university , they assure that in the study it was verified that the participants who laughed with an unknown couple felt closer and attracted towards that person.

Therefore, various specialists say that laughter eliminates tensions between people and generates positive thoughts, which allows for a better quality of life and stable health.


Learn to be more positive

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the Wellness Specialist, Arie Schwartzman , ensures that to be better every day you must live the present to the fullest, forget about going back to the past and avoid the fantasies that avoid the blockages or advances of your projects.

In addition, the specialist recommends that to have a positive thought you must interrupt your internal dialogue through meditation, return to the present and connect with your senses to eliminate negative emotions.

Also, you can write a wellness journal where you can capture your negative thoughts, to read them later and realize that it is not worth spending your time on ideas that prevent a good quality of life. And you, how do you express your emotions correctly?

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Video Medicine: How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking) (May 2024).