3 yoga postures vs. stress

Does the afternoon come and you feel stressed, tired and not willing to work? The yoga postures They are ideal for relax and combat stress because they help improve your labor performance , health and well-being, for greater productivity .

If you work long hours sitting in an office, your muscles may atrophy, so it is necessary that before trying these postures , do a few Stretching and flexibility exercises For a better relaxation , according to the portal innatia.com

Yoga postures against stress

1. Half moon posture : Sitting with your back straight, bring your hands to your waist and do a lateral stretch, dropping your head to that side. Take a deep breath and repeat on the other side. You can also do it with the arms crossed over the head.

2. Ship posture : To strengthen the abdominal area , stretch your legs forward and lean your torso back while holding your hands above your head. Avoid supporting the back and relax the arms, shoulders and neck.

3. Clamp posture : Continue sitting and stretch your legs forward. Tilt the torso in the same direction; relax your back and stretch your arms until you touch your feet.

Once you have done these postures , make a breathing exercise (pranayama) : Lie on the floor, exhale and let the breath regulate naturally. Now exhale and let the inspiration take place naturally.

Concentrate on your respiratory rhythm . Stretch your arms back and breathe deepening the exhale and softening the inspiration.

In this way, the yoga It helps you to recycle the negative energy, the product of stress, into positive energy, through the breathing , so it harmonizes your mind and body. Now you can return to your activities, which will be more pleasant and pleasurable.

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Video Medicine: 3 Yoga Poses to Reduce Anxiety, Worry & Stress (April 2024).