Long transfers raise blood pressure

A study of University of Washington , in St. Louis , U.S suggests that traveling long distances to reach the school, office, etc., causes high blood pressure , which negatively impacts the Health .

Long trips that are more than three hours away are associated with obesity , high blood pressure and a lower level of healthy physical condition. All these are risk factors to develop heart disease , diabetes and some types of Cancer .

The specialists found that being exposed daily to vehicular traffic also produces stress chronic. Not having free time reduces the time to do exercise , to be able to relax and take care of your health.

For many people it is almost impossible to move near their work centers, however, there are alternatives to be able to perform physical activity , how to walk during work breaks.

You can also go up and down the stairs of the subway, office, etc., get off a station before to walk, stop using the car, etc., The important thing is to activate.

Remember that the Health It's in your hands. You do not need to make great efforts to stay healthy, with small changes in your eating habits and a little bit of physical activity you can achieve it. Beware!