Seize it…

"Relaxing moment", "total liberation", "a space for me", are some expressions of those who consider bathing important not only to meet their needs, but to find themselves.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, psychologist Adriana Loyola, specialist in the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico, explains that it is considered a sacred place because it represents the essence of physical and psychological hygiene in the human being.


"It represents the part of renovation, cleaning and purification. It is a space where tiredness is cured and emotions are released to give life and purity to the body. "


Seize it…

Bathing is not only important to eliminate what your body does not need, but also because it gives you pleasure, promotes your creativity and helps to give you a break in a stressful day, in which you just want to forget everything and have a moment just to you.

It is a private space where you build a meaningful relationship with your body. Therefore, take advantage of that moment to achieve physical and emotional hygiene, "says the specialist.

Every time you enter the bathroom forget everything and focus on your emotions, feelings and thoughts, in other words, enjoy every second you spend in it.

Video Medicine: Boku no Hero Academia Season 2 OST - Go Seize It! (Tori ni Iku!) (April 2024).