7 simple steps

Our children they are the most wonderful thing you can have, rocking them in our arms, taking care of them, feeding them, hugging them and kissing them; the day that suffers the most, is the one in which you have to leave it on your first day of class, a big kiss and a tear down the cheek dismiss the first steps of our little one to enter a new world: the scholar.

We do not want anything to happen to him , that no one will hurt you, but we also want you to have the ability to adapt, have self confidence to be able to face the challenges throughout his life. Know how you can increase the safety of your little ones.

7 simple steps

According to the educational psychologist Alejandra Libenson , an expert in child development, points out that some actions that help a child feel more secure is when he is with his friends, at school and with his family. They observe in detail what we do at home, so they suggest that from home, take these simple actions.

1. Let it act. When faced with a problem, do not go ahead with the solution, talk with him in a calm manner and ask him what they could do to solve it; let him think, think and carry out the solution he suggested.

2. Value your achievements . Applaud and celebrates each of the achievements that you have had, either at school, with your friends or in a game with your cousins; feel recognized before a achievement will encourage you to trust in that if it can achieve what is proposed.

3. Delegate simple tasks . To make him feel part of the household activities, let him pick up his bedroom or dress alone; these actions will make you feel autonomous and that their task contributes to the harmony of the house.

4. Trust in your abilities. Let him do things for himself and do not doubt that will be able to set the table, feed the dog, water the plants and choose the clothes he will wear to go out with his friends. Children will strengthen their self-confidence to feel that his parents do not doubt that he can do things by himself.

5. Do not compare it with other children s. When something gets complicated, he insists on encouraging him and emphasizing his aptitudes; You can tell him he has to practice more, try again, but never compare him with another child.

6. Set limits. Jane Nelsen, Family therapist and co-author of the book Positive Discipline he mentions that we should put limit to our children. To better adapt to social norms and limits during your life, the limits that we put at home will be very helpful, do not forget that a limit is a border that contains the behavior of someone.

7. Listen carefully. To know emotions, ideas, opinions, what you think, what you created, stop listen carefully , in this way you will feel that your opinion is important and that you care. If you share and accept their emotions without judging them, your little one will have more confidence in him.

Do not lose sight of what to help them be self-confident , you must convey to them that they are capable of making their own decisions, making mistakes, making mistakes and re-trying things that have not gone well. During your training process , you are an important person that helps them to be more self-confident.

Video Medicine: Tony Robbins 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom - Lewis Howes (April 2024).