Habits to work

The trust it is a fundamental value for personal growth, as well as a quality in people that pretend to have successful social and labor relations; despite being a trustworthy person It is not something that is taken for granted or given to you, but rather it is sown every day in the personality.

A leader stands out from a boss or manager because he is able to inspire and encourage trust in the rest of the people. It is a task that begins with your own example and not only with indications, but you must promote an environment of mutual commitment, safety, well-being and balance to be trustworthy .


Habits to work

In this sense, a series of factors must be integrated and worked on in the personality, actions and decisions that make a trustworthy person , as well as certain habits that revolve around self-improvement, explains the author of the book "Unleash the heart: A dose of Greek wisdom, generosity and unconditional love, Agapi Stassinopoulus.

1. Be true to yourself. Maintaining a congruent stance regarding your ideals or beliefs allows you to be a trustworthy person because when you change your mind according to circumstances or convenience, you stop being consistent with yourself.

2. Defend your own ideas. Being firm in convictions, words and thinking provides security and confidence to the rest of the people, in this way a better approach and relationship with those who coexist day by day is promoted.

3. Find help. It is very important to self-criticize and have a good level of own demand, however no one is exempt from mistakes, so it is smart to recognize the right time to ask for help. This encourages greater growth and humility, growth factors and reliability .

4. Extreme self-acceptance. Knowing how to value positive aspects and their own qualities, as well as reinforcing and stimulating them, are aspects that make up self-esteem, so that feeling self-assured radiates security.

5. Body language . The body posture influences the way of thinking of oneself and the opinion that others have about that person, according to a study of the University of Ohio . For example, sitting correctly is a sign of trust in oneself; instead, sitting hunched reflects the insecurity of the person and even boredom.

However, when they stop cultivating this type of characteristics or qualities, it affects both the growth of the person, as their environment, relations with their environment and is destined to fail to most of the projects undertaken, whether work or personal explains the author.

Video Medicine: Daily Habits of Successful People | Brian Tracy (May 2024).