Interrupted intercourse does not prevent pregnancy or diseases

Interrupted intercourse takes place during intercourse, when at the time of ejaculation is removed the penis of the vagina to prevent the semen dismissed from reaching it and fecundating the woman.

This method is considered unsafe, since within a sexual relationship, the man's penis expels a lubrication fluid before ejaculating (pre-ejaculatory liquid ) that may contain sperm according to data from the web portal of the Ministry of Health of Mexico.

Some disadvantages that this tactic presents are:

-It interferes with the rhythm of the sexual relationship, which can be uncomfortable and frustrating for those involved.

-Can involve a high degree of sexual dissatisfaction.

-Requires a high degree of control physical and emotional, making it unsafe and difficult to manage.

-Have a high percentage of pregnant women . The typical use of interrupted intercourse shows 27% of the cases and in its perfect use 4% according to data from the World Health Organization.

"Interrupted intercourse does not prevent the acquisition of a sexually transmitted infection. Although there is no ejaculation within the couple in the vaginal or anal penetration there is exchange of fluids (pre-ejaculatory fluid or vaginal fluid) that may contain the microorganisms that cause STIs, "says the Deputy Director of Epidemiology at the State Health Institute. Mexico, Doctor Víctor Manuel Torres.

Video Medicine: I Stopped Having Sex For A Year (May 2024).