10 million Mexicans suffer some disability

Since the year of 1992 , at the end of United Nations Decade for Persons with Disabilities (1983-1992), the UN General Assembly proclaimed the December 3 As the International Day of Persons with Disabilities . During that decade, awareness-raising and the adoption of measures to improve the situation of people with disabilities were promoted, as well as to achieve equal opportunities; therefore, the Assembly called upon Member States to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, with a view to promoting their integration into society.

In Mexico they live at least 10 million of people with some disability , according to the deputy Yolanda de la Torre, in the framework of the commemoration of this date; He also pointed out that they are the second most important group of discriminated and the full exercise of their rights has not yet been effective. Fortunately, the conscience of citizens has gradually increased, and although there is still a case of stigmatization, this terrible practice has gradually been eradicated.

Currently, different institutions, both public and private, have focused efforts to collect economic and material resources to favor, in different ways, people who for one reason or another suffer from a disability.

Types of disability

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) the most known types of disability are:


  • Motor. They refer to the loss or limitation of a person to move, walk, maintain some postures of the whole body or a part of it.
  • Visual. It includes total loss of sight, as well as difficulty seeing with one or both eyes.
  • Mental . It covers the limitations for the learning of new abilities, alteration of the conscience and capacity of the people to behave or to behave in the activities of the daily life, as well as in its relation with other people.
  • Auditory Corresponds to the loss or limitation of the ability to listen.
  • Of language. Limitations and problems to speak or convey an understandable meaning.

Causes of disability

The reasons that cause disability in people can be varied, but the INEGI classifies them into four groups of main causes:


  • By birth
  • For sickness
  • Accidentally
  • By advanced age.

Out of every 100 disabled people:

  • 32 has it because they suffered some disease .
  • 23 are affected by advanced age .
  • 19 acquired it by heritage , during pregnancy or at birth.
  • 18 were left with an injury as a result of some accident .
  • 8 due to other causes .