Acoustic pollution affects cognitive ability

The noise pollution or auditory is the excess of sound or caused by human activity, industry, vehicular and aerial traffic, among other sources.

In this sense, the specialist in acoustics of the ESIME Zacatenco, Ilhuicamina Trinidad Servin, mentioned that the Auditive System suffers from a prolonged exposure to the source of noise , even if it is low level, and the noise pollution produces psychopathological and psychological effects, in addition to affecting the dream , the conduct , the memory and the Attention .

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers in 70 decibels (db) the limit desirable superior of noise in the cities; however, in the federal District "There are areas of difficult acoustic isolation such as the vicinity of the International Airport of Mexico City, where the intensity of noise caused by the arrival and departure of airplanes rises to 130 db and the threshold of pain at ear is located at 140 db, "said the specialist.

In this regard, despite the fact that Mexico City is among the five noisiest in Latin America, there is not enough material development insulators of noise for estate urban

Therefore, before polytechnic students held that the development of absorbent materials of noise , is an opportunity for them to generate entrepreneurial initiatives that provide a solution to the need for this type of accessories.

Among the materials absorbent s that eliminate noises undesirable are the fibrous, porous or reactive resonators; fiberglass and cell polyurethane, whose function is to trap the sound waves and transform the aerodynamic energy in thermodynamic energy or hot , and the metal panels.

However, the IPN researcher indicated that it will be necessary to carry out a study on the best susceptible materials of isolate the noise and obtain precise data to be able to feed some prediction software in the country.

Video Medicine: Air pollution can damage our intelligence, study finds (April 2024).