Pros and cons of coconut water

Through time, everyone, in one way or another, has become more aware of what we eat; However, even under the "natural" label, you must know the benefits and damages of foods like coconut water.

Benefits and damages of coconut water that you should know

To begin with, investigations of the National Library of Medicine they reveal that the consumption of coconut water (in a controlled way a glass or two a week) contributes to lower blood sugar levels, also reducing oxidative stress in the long term ...


Pros and cons of coconut water

Although coconut water is a purely natural product, before consuming it you should know:



1. According to Helen Bond, dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association, Coconut is rich in saturated fat and calories, which is why your intake should be limited or according to a balanced diet.

2. It is not a moisturizing drink. Coconut water is rich in potassium, but not in carbohydrates or sodium, which is essential if it is a high performance athlete and after an intense session of exercise.