1. Losing hair

Although your family history or blood tests can help you detect your risk of suffering a heart attack , also give a handshake weak can be, according to a study of the McMaster University.

The researchers , who conducted an analysis of about 140,000 adults for more than four years, assure that for each 5kg decrease in the strength of the handshake there is a 7% increase in the risk of suffering a heart attack and 9% of having a stroke.

But given that Heart problems are very frequent, we present other signals that can help you detect if you are at risk of suffering a heart attack and that in fact they are a little curious.


1. Losing hair

The lack of circulation to the hair follicles, which causes its fall, may indicate that the same happens in the heart, indicates Rene Alvarez , associate professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Cardiovascular Institute . Poor circulation is the cause of heart attacks .

Tip Find out about family history of baldness and deaths from heart attacks, knowing both can help you discover your own risk. Besides inspiring you to do a check .


2. Your teeth bleed

The people that have periodontal diseases are more likely to develop problems in the arteries . The bacteria cause the liver to produce high levels of certain proteins, which harden the blood vessels and this can lead to a heart attack, indicates the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine .

Tip You can prevent periodontal diseases through good oral hygiene , that is, brushing your mouth at least three times a day and flossing. If you already have them, go to a dentist to have them removed.


3. You have migraines

Women who experience migraines with visual or sensory alterations, at least once a month, they are twice as likely to develop heart disease , according to the American Academy of Neurology . So presenting them can be an early sign.

Tip If you have noticed that it happens to you frequently, even though the over-the-counter drugs solve it, you have to go with an expert to know what this means for you. heart . Any circulatory problem should encourage your doctor to look for more affected areas, Alvarez says.

At year, in the Federal District, there are at least 10 thousand cases of death due to heart attack , being men older than 50 the population with greater risk, indicates the National Institute of Cardiology (INC) .

Video Medicine: Losing Hair in Your 20s?!?! (April 2024).