Side effects of the contraceptive pill

The contraceptive method by means of pills, can cause that in some women they appear side effects or discomforts, we enlist some of them:

-Nausea (try to take the pill after having consumed food, such as at lunch)

- Mild headache

-Bloom pain

-Stains facial

-Gain weight

-Banded between periods

-Vomit and dizziness

Although the contraceptive pill often decreases acne in women who take it, due to the progestin can develop in some cases oily skin and more acne.

For the most part, the side effects only occur during the first three months of having started using the method, over time your body will get used to the new level of hormones and you will feel like before.

If after the third month you continue experiencing inconvenience , it is advisable that you go to your specialist doctor to verify that everything goes well in your body.

Video Medicine: Emergency Contraceptive Pills: How They Work, Safety and Side Effects (April 2024).