How much water do you need?

Water helps you look and feel better, but also, if you're looking lose weight , is a great ally to achieve it.

Drinking water It helps you to raise your metabolism, suppress your appetite and eliminate weight by fluid retention, as revealed by an investigation of the University of Virginia (United States) .


The study participants who drank water for 12 weeks before their lunch lost two kilos unlike those who did not increase their consumption of this liquid, "says Brenda Davy, author of the study.

The key is that people who drink two glasses of water just before a meal, consume less than 90 calories and of course, they do some physical activity.


How much water do you need?

In another study, done by the University of Pennsylvania, researchers point out that to determine the amount of Water that the body needs to slim down you must multiply the weight of a person by 1.47.

That will give you the necessary amount in ounces of water you should drink (one ounce is approximately 0.03 liters).

Remember that if you are looking to lose weight with onlydrinking water It will not be enough. It is necessary that you do a balanced diet and practice minimum exercise 3 times a week for 40 minutes (so you really burn fat).

The Water It is essential for life, since it constitutes 65 to 70% of an adult's body, transports nutrients and helps regulate body temperature.

This July 24 is the National Day of Family Hydration and Nestlé Waters will celebrate it with several activities at the main gate of the Chapultepec Zoo from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


A good hydration starts at home. If we encourage a taste for simple water, we will build healthier generations by inheriting healthy habits, "he says. Gabriela Corral, Nestlé Waters Marketing Head.


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Video Medicine: Mayo Clinic Minute: How Much Water Should You Drink? (May 2024).