Homeopathy as a medical alternative

Homeopathic medicine is an alternative medical system that aims to promote the body's capacity for self-healing. He is stimulated to heal himself through very low doses of highly diluted natural substances. More commonly known as homeopathy, the term comes from the Greek words homeo and pathos, which mean similar and disease, respectively. This method was developed by Samuel Christian Hahnemann, a German physician.

Homeopathic medicine works under two principles: similar cures like (the principle of similar) and the law of minimum dose (principle of dissolution). According to the first, a disease can be treated by a substance that causes the same symptoms in healthy people. For example, if the symptoms of the cold are the same as in mercury poisoning, then mercury is used to cure the cold. The second principle states that the smaller the dose of a substance, the more effective it is for the treatment of diseases.

Homeopathic remedies involve a process called potentisation, in which the substances are diluted one by one and agitated very well between the solutions. This process transfers some of the energy or essence of the original substance to the dilution, thus stimulating the body's ability to heal on its own. Homeopathic remedies use highly diluted substances. Usually, these are composed of a part of the substance to one million parts of water.


Homeopathy to prevent

Today, homeopathic medicine is still used to prevent and cure a wide range of acute and chronic diseases, such as headaches, fever, colds, asthma, allergies, depression, rashes, digestive problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, and ear infections. Even serious medical conditions such as diabetes and cancer can be treated with homeopathic remedies, although these diseases need longer treatment time.

Despite being an alternative medical treatment, homeopathic medicine has been a widespread practice. In the United States, it was used by almost 900 thousand children and 3.9 million adults in 2006.

Unlike the traditional ones, homeopathic treatments are adapted for different individuals, even those who have the same condition. In short, homeopathic medicine treats the person, not the disease, so that a medication can not treat two people with the same disease.

The use of this method is therapeutic, homeopathic doctors treat people according to their body type, health, genetic history and their current emotional, physical and mental conditions. Patients who undergo treatment are required to follow a strict diet and avoid stimulants such as strong tea, coffee, alcohol and nicotine, as they affect the potency of the medication. In addition, medications must be taken before meals. The healing process is delayed if the patient does not follow the diet and the restrictions involved in the treatment.

Homeopathy uses various medications derived from animals, plants, minerals and other substances. Some of the most common sources of homeopathic medicines are the following:


  1. Plants - onion, nopal, belladonna, pepper, etc.
  2. Minerals - arsenic, nitric acid, phosphorus, iron
  3. Animals - snake venoms
  4. Substances - milk, sand

Some people may have doubts about homeopathy. But there is no basis for them, because homeopathic medicines are harmless and have no side effects.

Video Medicine: Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud? (April 2024).