Get active when you get up

If you love your job but all the time you feel tired , one of the keys so you can recover energies is your feeding . Experts advise you what to eat to perform more at work , increase your productivity, as well as bear the burden labor and the stress .


Óscar Galindo, Spanish doctor specialized in Occupational Medicine , advises to include seven groups of foods in the diet of everything employee : fish , meat, fruit, vegetable , cereals, nuts Y chocolate .

Because the body always need Energy , it is important that you organize a plan feeding in which you include in the menu daily this type of food, this will give you force Y vitality for play better your chores daily


Get active when you get up

According to the survey Breakfast Habits, of the Federal Consumer Procurator's Office (Profeco) , the 14% of the Mexicans start your feeding with a Cup of coffee in the mornings , a habit that makes you feel at noon more hungry because the body needs more Energy .


To start the day with vitality it is important that you drink a glass of Water instead of coffee ; one of the reasons to feel exhaustion when you get up is the dehydration , Explain Lucy Jones, nutriology of the British Dietetic Association .

At breakfast contemplate foods with proteins Y carbohydrates that allow you an easy digestion , but at the same time keep you sated for many hours. You can try a slice of toasted whole wheat bread with scrambled egg.

The breakfast rich in proteins improve the memory and the functions cognitive ; while the carbohydrates help you stay with Energy during the morning, since the brain It depends on the glucose , explain it nutritionist Jones

Another recommendation is to take Green Tea at breakfast for its great effect stimulating and because it improves the state warning mental .


At noon, you can include among the collations around 30 grams of walnuts , almonds or cranberries , these give you calories , minerals , vitamins Y antioxidants .

Studies have shown that cranberries are beneficial to the memory and the concentration , since it helps the blood circulation towards certain parts of brain .


Follow with energy

By late to get the nutrients necessary is recommended avoid foods greasy . When you choose these foods, the level of insulin increases and when it starts to go down it produces you dream after that you have difficulty concentrate .

Ideally it is suggested to eat fish by the Omega 3 Y proteins essential for the proper functioning cerebral and the memory ; as well as drink Water natural and eat something of fruit .


For the doctor Óscar Galindo , vegetables, fish and meat are a rich source of minerals , vitamins Y nutrients . To take advantage of their properties, it is better to cook them on the grill or in the oven, avoid preparations irritants Y greasy .


Ideal complement

The feeding It is key to pay at work every day, but if you add other habits healthy as sleep the enough (between seven and eight hours a day), do exercise , respect your meal times results they will be more favorable .

It's very important respect during the working day the time for each activity . There is a time for to work Y feed , by doing so you will be in state optimal for pay best. What do you get used to eat to have more Energy on day?

Video Medicine: Patrick Star’s “Get Up Be Active” (April 2024).