Feel better!

When you consume fish and seafood regularly, you are more likely to lose weight , improve your digestion and look younger, because he's rich in Omega 3, It is reduced in fat and contains a large amount of antioxidants .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the nutritionist Comepesca , Monica Mendoza , gives you 5 reasons to include this food in your diet ; He affirms that it is a myth that these products are more expensive than meat or chicken.

"We recommend that fish and seafood be included 3 times a week; It's good for the heart and for all those who decide to have a healthier lifestyle. "

Feel better!

1. Strengthen your memory . According to Mendoza, the consumption of fish and shellfish helps strengthen the memory and attention of children and adults.

"For example, in children it has been shown that they have a better retentive and in the case of young people and adults it helps them to make better decisions."

2. Protects your heart . The fish is rich in vitamins , antioxidants Y minerals that have the ability to reduce the cholesterol bad, triglyceride levels and raise the cholesterol good in your body, so it is effective to take care of your cardiovascular health and avoid problems like hypertension and heart attack .

3. It gives you energy. Although fish and seafood are easydigestion   is proven by the science that gives you the energy needed to perform your daily activities, so it is an excellent choice for those who exercise.

4. Abundled with your metabolic health . The consumption of these products are highly recommended for those who live with diabetes or fatty liver , due to the nutritional benefits it has.

"The key, as everything is in the preparation. You have to prefer wallpaper, but in the case of seafood it is better to grind and avoid fried or weathered, as this will lose their nutrients. "

5. Rich in antioxidants . All fish and shellfish are good, but those that are fatty contain more amount of Omega 3 Y antioxidants , like trout, sawfish and salmon.

Data of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (Sagarpa), reveals that consumption per capita One year of fish consumption in Mexico is very low, around 9.5 to 10.5 kilos per inhabitant.

"You have to trust in Mexican fish and seafood. We have more than 30 different species and all generate great benefits to your health and figure, "says Mónica Mendoza.