Energy levels increase during sleep

New research indicates that during the initial stages of the sleep cycle, the energy levels seem to increase dramatically in some regions of the brain that are also active when we are awake. Scientists believe that this surge of energy replenishes the processes that are necessary for the brain to perform normal activities during the day.


Dr. Michael J. Breus, clinical psychologist and member of the American Board of Sleep Medicine published a recent article in Psychology Today, where he mentions that this "energy" - refers to the ATP--, adenosin triphosphate, which is the energy molecule that governs our body. What it's the same kind of energy that rats release, in which an experiment was carried out.


The experiment yielded results such as that ATP levels during sleep increase in 4 mainly brain regions, which remain stable when rats are awake. Even if this happens, there is a decrease in brain activity in general when they are asleep.


The authors of the study concluded thatthe dream is necessary for the ATP energy to arise, since when they deprived the rats of time to sleep, the increase in the levels of the molecule was also prevented. Said increase in energy seems to restore the processes that take place in a normal day of activities, since brain cells consume a lot of energy only for almost automatic activities such as breathing, or walking through the streets.


The publication states that "there is no doubt that the brain requires a lot of energy to achieve the functions that the body needs. But we already knew that A loss of sleep can even result in a brain loss ”. 

Video Medicine: Wake Up Full of Energy - (9 Hour) Sleep Subliminal Session - By Thomas Hall (May 2024).