Botox vs skin diseases

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and its function extends beyond the aesthetic. This protects the body from external factors such as bacteria, chemicals and temperature, but what happens when you get sick? Is it possible that botox is a solution?

Botulinum toxin, better known as botox, is a natural protein used in the field of beauty, mainly to reduce and attenuate fine lines. However, it is possible that it is an alternative to treat inflammatory diseases of the skin; example, psoriasis and eczema.

This is indicated by an article published by the American Academy of Dermatology, which was written by Erin Gilbert , specialist and professor of SUNY Downstate University in New York.

Gilbert explains that a dilemma in dermatology is the widespread use of steroids in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. Although topical and oral steroids have a proven track record in stopping the inflammation of skin diseases, dermatologists are constantly looking for alternatives to balance the side effects of therapies; example, the thinning and lightening of the skin and development of new blood vessels.

Very little is known about the interaction between blood vessels and nerves in the skin, but the specialist suggests that a new treatment with botulinum type A may influence this interaction to lead to a new therapy for chronic inflammatory diseases.

Botox could be the solution to avoid the painful discomforts of using steroids and skin diseases.

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Video Medicine: Botox injections: What to expect (April 2024).