Improve your health through being bilingual

You have no talent, you are too big to study, simply, it is impossible ...Learning a language has benefits that go beyond the professional aspect, can help to take care of health. Even when you think it's not your thing.


A study conducted by Yury Shtyrov, of the Department of Cognition and Brain Sciences of the Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom , points out that for the brain learn a new word, it was only necessary to repeat it 160 times over 15 minutes, regardless of the age or talent of the person.


Improve your health through being bilingual

To learn a new language It can not only help you find a new job, it can also improve your health. Find out what they are:

1. Have the job of your dreams. A study of Universia Foundation It highlights that the aspect most valued by companies (up to 96.4%) at the time of selecting the candidate is English proficiency.

2. It makes you smarter. With a second language, all the cognitive functions , attention, perception, memory , intelligence and llanguage , so scientists of the University College of London.

3. Delays Alzheimer's. They learn a language can delay the symptoms of Alzheimer up to five years, according to a study published in the magazine Neurology

4. Increase your concentration. In learning, the ability to concentration . An investigation of Language Science Center at Penn State University , in the United States, explains that those who speak a second language perform multitasking functions better and faster.

5. Neuronal gymnastics The brain can be kept active through exercises gymnastics Neurologists agree that the more you use the brain Failures in their functions are less frequent. Learning a language is one of the most complete gymnastics, because memory is activated and new connections are created by changing from one language to another.

6. It facilitates the resolution of problems. The strategies developed to learn the grammar, vocabulary and structures of another language return to the brain more apt to solve other types of problems. According to a study by thePennsylvania State University.

7. Improve your decision making. A study of University of Chicago , points out that there is a link between knowing a second language and make rational decisions. Bilingual people define situations in a language other than their mother tongue do so more rationally, quickly and effectively because there is a more logical and not so emotional.

8. Power creativity. The association of phrases and meanings of a second language requires a conscious thought, where planning, flexibility and memory come into play, three fundamental components for the development of thecreativity

There is no longer an excuse for you not to enjoy all the benefits of learning a language. Try it!

Video Medicine: The benefits of a bilingual brain - Mia Nacamulli (April 2024).