Meditation raises the benefits of gratitude

People with a positive attitude are usually grateful with everything that surrounds them, which generates a feeling of happiness. According to a study of the Florida State University in Tallahassee, United States, Another benefit of gratitude is to improve our personal relationships.

The researcher Nathaniel Lambert, director of the study, He says that expressing our gratitude benefits both the person who gives thanks and the person who receives them.

In information published by the page Vanguard , the benefit of gratitude is to strengthen and improve relationships with other people who are not of our total trust or when emotional bonds do not go through a good time.

The researcher assures, in the study published in Psychological Science, that being grateful makes you a person more responsible for the welfare of those around you, so you can see your surroundings in a more positive way, that is, it improves the feeling of community.

Nathaniel Lambert details that when you express your gratitude it is because you focus your attention on the good things that others do, which fosters a positive attitude in you and generates happiness.


Meditation raises the benefits of gratitude

One of the techniques that helps you work a positive attitude and observe the best of others is meditation, as explained below Dharmacharini Abhagita, from the Buddhist Center Mexico .

For the benefits of gratitude to be part of your life and be happy, you must perform this action in a disinterested way, without expecting anything in return and achieve personal satisfaction for your actions. And you, how grateful are you?

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Video Medicine: 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of GRATITUDE - Start Using Gratitude And Law of Attraction (April 2024).