Eat daily bread protects your heart

People who consume bread daily, especially wholemeal bread , present more stable clinical parameters from the point of view of cardiovascular health , according to researchers of the program "Ingenio-Consolider de Alimentos Funcionales" of the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Barcelona, ​​Spain .

The study, "Evaluation of the impact of bread consumption, both integral and white, in an elderly population with high cardiovascular risk: a metabolomic approach" , determines that eating daily bread as part of a healthy and balanced diet can improve the lipid profile of people, as well as a lower concentration of insulin in his blood.

The study data, according to, reflected a lower plasma concentration of LDL-c, popularly known as bad cholesterol, and more c-HDL or good cholesterol, among daily bread consumers, both white and whole, compared to the other groups.

In addition, these results are consistent with other research that shows that the consumption of fiber (of whole grains) has a protective effect against the development of insulin resistance , as well as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease , Explain Rafael Llorach, medical director of the research .

This inverse association between consumption of wholemeal bread and lower risk of developing resistance to insulin and diabetes mellitus It could also be related to the intake of magnesium, a nutrient found in the outer husk of cereals, says the specialist.

The metabolomic study has also allowed us to "identify the potential metabolic factors that are behind the positive effects of habitual consumption of bread in the lipid profile and, therefore, that can be determinants of a better cardiovascular health ", The researchers point out, so it is advisable to include wholemeal bread in a healthy diet.

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