Discover if you will be happy ...

Would you like to have a wedding big, where luxuries prevail, or only with people who mean a lot to you? Maybe your answer influences the happiness and stability of your marriage .

According to a study of the Emory University , couples that spend less money on their wedding have a marriage lasting and happy that those who "throw the house out the window".

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Discover if you will be happy ...

The authors of the study point out that when couples spend too much on the wedding they are more likely to divorce, as the financial burden creates tension in the marriage. marriage .

In addition there are other factors that influence the stability of your marriage like the time they lasted for boyfriends. That is, people who have more than three years together are 39% less likely to divorce.

Even the attitude towards your partner has to be taken into account, since men are 1.5 times more likely to divorce when they are concerned about the appearance of their partner.

Finally, the authors say that the honeymoon is a step that all couples must give, since it is a space that serves for the couple to meet in privacy. And you, what do you prefer?