7 tricks to lose weight

Various nutritionists and health experts recommend having Feeding Habits healthy, how to carry a diet Healthy and varied, perform exercise At least three times a week, meditate and have positive thoughts to improve the quality of life of people.

That is why here we present 7 tips to recover or maintain your figure and feel better. Take note:

1. Accelerate, brake : Alternating exercise shifts cardiovascular high and low intensity have shown that they are effective to burn the extra kilos

2. Load kilos (literally): Wearing a vest with weights (around 10% of your weight), while walking you can boost your calorie burn by 8%

3. Listen to music that will lift your spirits: Songs with an accelerated rhythm makes you run faster and stronger than when listening to slow and quiet music

4. Keep the effort: Just 80 minutes of aerobic or weight training a week will keep you from gaining belly fat after losing weight, according to researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

5. Get weights and move later: Doing strength training before a cardio session can burn more fat; if you do one movement after another without stopping you will have more strength and muscle mass

6. Try aromatherapy : The people that inhaled strawberry essences and popcorn with butter burned more calories than those that smelled flavors neutral, according to an investigation by the Treatment of Taste and Smell Foundation in Chicago

7. Eat more protein : Eat a breakfast and food Protein fortified helps you burn more fat after meals than if you ate foods low in fat, according to an Australian study.

Source: Health.com

Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (April 2024).