Do you easily alter?

In addition to offering you the energy you need to perform all your activities the next day, the dream or the lack of it can completely alter your behavior and therefore the actions you do.

According to Charles Czeisler, of the Harvard Medical School, technology could be the culprit that you can not sleep. This is because exposure to artificial light before going to bed can increase alertness and suppress the release ofe melatonin , the hormone that induces sleep.


Do you easily alter?

The influence of lack of sleep goes beyond a physical aspect, it can influence your conduct. Here we tell you 3 ways in which it acts on your actions.

1. Increase your aggressiveness. According to a study of the International University of Florida, lack of sleep can increase the likelihood that a teen will get involved in criminal behavior , since it has a low self-control.

2. It makes you prone to actions that damage your health. An investigation published in the magazine Preventive Medicine notes that not sleeping the necessary hours can influence risk behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, being sexually active, using marijuana and a lower physical activity .

3. Greater sadness. A study conducted by the Medical Center of the Columbia University of New York evidence that the young people's habit of spending partying or computer nights and sleeping little increases the risk of suffer depression.

The dream is a basic need of every living being. Remember that your health is in your hands so it is important that you try to make your hours of rest.