4 ways that exercise disturbs sleep

Whether after a workday, after an arduous task or, simply, by fatigue, sleep allows people not only to consolidate the memory, but also to reorganize and extract the most important data of a new knowledge; However, what factors can cause sleep disturbances?

Physical activity could be one of them. In GetQoralHealth presents you with four ways in which exercise can produce sleep disturbances:

1. Raise the temperature. In accordance with Fabio García , researcher of the University of Veracruz, exercise increases body temperature to 41 and 13 degrees (when the normal temperature is in the 36), this can cause sleep disturbances.

2. Endorphins. Garcia indicates that another factor that intervenes is the fact that exercise helps in the synthesis of some molecules such as endorphins, although these have side effects because they are alert to the brain; In this sense, the expert recommends waiting at least two hours for endorphin levels to be reduced in the circulation and then falling asleep.

3. Be careful with the time you do physical activity. People who exercise should practice it in the morning or at noon, but never at night. García points out that if performed at night it can produce side effects such as insomnia and a rebound after 48 hours of sleep.

4. Check the intensity. Relaxing or moderate exercise can not affect sleep at all. But if you exercise vigorously (for an hour or more at the same time) and do it two to three hours before going to bed, you will realize that you can sleep better and more deeply; however, if it is very intense and one hour before going to bed, it will take longer to reconcile it.

To the athletes, having a restful sleep helps them to have more energy since there is renewal of new neurons and helps the growth hormone.

Everything with measure is beneficial. Beware!

Video Medicine: 4 Tricks to Sleep All Night Like a Baby (April 2024).