5 tips to relieve constipation

Constipation or constipation is an annoying condition that is characterized by difficulty in evacuating. Some people with this condition get used to it and consider it a trivial problem, so they avoid going to a medical consultation, but how to relieve constipation?

The visit to the doctor is very important in cases of constipation to receive a treatment that reduces symptoms and prevents complications, as well as to rule out more serious diseases, such as nervous colitis and even some type of cancer, in which the inability to defecate appears as a secondary symptom

Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult or slower, due to an alteration in daily habits: poor fiber intake, poor water intake, lack of exercise and delay to go to the bathroom.

The doctor Pedro Dorantes, specialist of the Narvarte Family Medicine Clinic of ISSSTE , states that "a patient is diagnosed with constipation when he has not been able to evacuate for a period ranging from 24 hours to a week and there is no other condition that conditions this situation.


5 tips to relieve constipation

The specialist recommends some measures to control constipation naturally:

  1. Take one to two liters of water a day.
  2. Ingest hot liquids in the morning.
  3. Add bran cereals to the daily diet.
  4. Consume fruits and vegetables rich in natural fiber (papaya, melon, watermelon, mango and prune).
  5. Avoid foods that absorb water (astringents) and promote constipation (apple, banana and pear).
  6. Perform a daily routine of exercise (sedentary lifestyle slows the intestinal transit and predisposes constipation).

The severity level of a constipation is determined by the time that passes between one bowel movement and another, as well as the severity of the symptoms, which may include lack of energy, inflammation, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. "

The specialist points out that in most cases a clinical history and a routine review are sufficient to reach the diagnosis. "However, in some patients, complementary tests, such as a digital rectal examination, a colonoscopy or an anorectal function test, may be recommended to determine conditions of the large intestine and rectum."

Do not take a chance

Self-medication is a high-risk practice and in the subject of constipation it is common.

The expert talks about it: "There are patients who take over-the-counter laxatives without having a prescription. People who have constipation should know that the use of these drugs is the last resort we use in the consultation. "

"We are facing a condition that can be corrected with the modification of daily habits, without the need to resort to products that are very irritating to the intestine. Sometimes it is necessary to perform intestinal washes or enemas, but the treatment to follow depends on the conditions in which each patient presents. "

A visit to the office on time will make you feel better and avoid complications that can cause infections, such as absorption of toxins from the intestine before the accumulation of fecal matter.

As well as the appearance of hemorrhoids or anal fissures that appear before the excessive effort when trying to evacuate and that can end in a surgery."Prudence empowers words." If you want to know more information write to bojorge@teleton.org.mx