Delicious satisfaction ...

Creativity and variety in the kitchen are elements that can help you maintain your weight and improve your physical and emotional health; example of this are dishes made of asparagus, food rich in antioxidants.

The benefits of asparagus are diverse. Source of fiber, are vegetables rich in glutathione, a recognized antioxidant and anticancer, and saponins, bioactive phytochemical compounds that are recognized as anti-tumor activity against different cancer cell lines.

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Delicious satisfaction ...

One of the best culinary options for its flavor and contribution to a healthy diet are asparagus, especially stems and tender shoots; But what dish do you make with these? GetQoralHealth , through the program Chain Three, Life and Home, with chef Many Muñoz, we present the following recipe. Check the video!


Pasta with asparagus, serrano ham and egg


Wheat pasta

Serrano ham strips




Olive oil

Among other benefits of asparagus is folic acid, of which they contain high levels. This element is necessary for the formation of structural proteins and hemoglobin. It is also a basic part for the synthesis of purines, compounds that are part of the nucleotides, substances present in DNA.

Maintaining a balanced diet, but above all integrating all foods rich in nutrients, vitamins and proteins, is the key element for better health.

Video Medicine: delicious satisfaction H264 (May 2024).