3 remedies vs fungi on the feet

Fungal infection in the feet is the result of parasitic invading organisms called dermatophytes , which begin to multiply in the foot and, in general, cause one of the two main conditions: athlete's foot or the infection of the toenails (onychomycosis), according to hongosenlospies.org

The same type of fungus , more commonly called Trichophyton rubrum, can cause both types of fungal infection in the feet, which are very common, but the athlete's foot It is usually much easier to eliminate, either through medications or with some of the following natural remedies, according to the globalhealingcenter.net site:

1. Sesame oil and coconut oil Raw and virgin have anti-fungal properties and can be applied directly to the feet. Rub it on your dry feet with a cotton ball twice a day.

2. Tea tree. Prepare a bath with 40 drops of organic oil from tree tea and soak your feet for 10 minutes. After soaking and drying them completely, massage them with a few drops of oil directly into the affected area.

The oil of tea tree has properties antiseptic and anti-fungal that will help to destroy the fungus in very infested sites, as well as to prevent it from moving to other areas that have not yet been affected.

3. Baking soda Salt is one of the main enemies of mushrooms. For this reason, using sodium bicarbonate can be one of the excellent ways to eradicate them. Simply prepare a paste of baking soda with water, then apply between the toes and affected areas. Let it dry and rinse. Apply daily

Most types of foot fungus disappear fairly quickly, with topical treatment, while nail fungal infections are usually more difficult to cure because topical treatments can not act directly on the infected area of ​​the foot. a.

In this case, the treatment may need to be continued for many months, so it is essential that before applying any type of treatment, consult a specialist.

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Video Medicine: Skin Conditions & Treatments : How to Get Rid of Fungus (May 2024).