Beer consumption increases in women

According to data from the last National Survey of Addictions and the INEGI , the average consumption per person of an alcoholic beverage has increased in our country, especially those that do not comply with the official standard.

In this sense, although the Mexican population does not drink daily, large quantities are ingested by occasion, particularly during the weekends. Just over 4 million people are dependent on the alcohol and they require specialized help.

Among the people who indicated the drink of their choice: young people from 12 to 17 years old chose the beer , followed by table wines and distilled spirits such as rum, brandy, etc., for people aged 18 to 29, the order is beer , distillates and table wines.

Until a few years ago, it was said that for every 10 alcoholic men there was a woman with this problem. However, the figures show that the number of women between 12 and 30 who have consumed alcohol It has doubled in recent years.

These data reflect that women consume alcohol more and more frequently and at an early age, as an outlet for the pressures arising from their work, school or at home. Each time they have less time for activities such as, for example, the care of children and the home, tasks that should be shared by both members of the couple and not just assumed by them.

Among other consequences, when a mother has problems with alcoholism , the family is marked by disintegration, separation of the couple, arguments and even violence, but it is always the other members of the nucleus who are most affected and who have to deal with this addiction.

Finally, it should be noted that women are a crucial factor in the education of children and in the prevention of this disease, informing about the risks of irresponsible consumption.

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Video Medicine: See What Happens To Your Body When You Drink A Pint Of Beer Everyday (April 2024).