Injectable drugs, first cause of hepatitis C

The hepatitis C it is a disease, produced by the same virus name (VHC), It affects more than 170 million people worldwide.

It is usually spread through the contact with infected blood , can also be disseminated through the sexual intercourse with a person who has it and of mother to son during the delivery. The group at greatest risk is the people who shareneedles to get high , as the Dr. Enrique Wolpert, director of the Scientific Committee of the FundHep to.

Most people who are infected with hepatitis C has no knowledge that they suffer from it, it is a silent disease which is normally detected when it is already advanced. The symptom can be presented many years later between 20 and 25 years of contagion.

In Mexico , 1.4% of the Mexican population suffers but only between 10 and 20% are aware, this is that of 1 million 400 thousand people only 280 thousand take the precautionary measures necessary to avoid transmit it to other people , as well as fortake care

Generally, the hepatitis C It does not improve spontaneously. The infection can last a lifetime and lead to scarring of the liver (cirrhosis) or liver cancer. In the most serious cases, they may require a liver transplant.

Dr. Enrique Wolpert, emphasizes in the interview, that there is no vaccine against HCV. It is estimated that between 10 and 15 years will be studied in early stages.