5 sexual demands after 30

Many people believe that the sexual desire decreases after 30; however, in a publication of the Washington Post , specialists suggest that at this age the necessary maturity is reached to have a sex life full. GetQoralHealth suggests these tips to enjoy the sex without inhibitions.

1. Perfection: It's time to enjoy the sexual encounter in all its stages: foreplay, intercourse and orgasm without any hurry. It is the perfect age to find fulfillment not only physical but also emotional.

2. Stability: At this age people achieve an emotional stability that allows them to have a higher quality in sexual relationships, since there is more openness with the couple to talk about desires and fantasies.

3. It is demanding: Ask for each of the things you want to feel, aprópiate your body and sensations. Forget about the idea that the sex it's just penetration , enjoy the caresses. You can use feathers, silk, fruits, talc, oils, etc.

4. It gives pleasure: They say that you have to give what is asked. At sex it's the same, if you want big sessions of pleasure , it does not matter. At 30 you know very well what a woman or a man likes, just avoid falling into monotony. If you like the oral sex try fruit, candy or chocolate.

5. Stimulates: Break with the myths, let yourself be carried freely by your sensations and desires. ¿Anal sex ? Trios? It's time to experiment. Do not limit yourself and explore your body, you will be surprised by the results.

The passage of time should not be a reason to decrease your sex life , on the contrary, use the experience in your favor to enjoy a full sexuality. Explore, there are still many sensations to discover. If you want to know more how to raise your libido, follow these tips.