Beyond laziness ...

If the human body is designed to be in motion, why is it so difficult to acquire the exercise habit? In conference José Antonio Mársico, General Director of Grupo Body Systems , points out that only 2% of the national population goes to a gym.


"Disappointing panorama, since Mexico occupies the first places in childhood and adult obesity in Latin America," says the expert.


Beyond laziness ...

56.2% of Mexicans aged 18 and over are inactive physically, according to figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI). However, for Mársico the problem faced by this part of the population is not laziness or lack of time, but the failure to ask the right question. That is, what do you really want as a human being?

Do you already have your answer? If so, you may find yourself prepared to find your ideal exercise program. To get it, José Antonio tells you the pillars or foundations of what should be composed.

1. It must be easy for you. No one can know better the needs and limits of your body than you.

2. A good coach. This must have sufficient capacity to respond to the demands of the client and to always have a safe routine. According to the specialist, 1 in 10 people who arrive at a sports space will be advised by a coach.

3. Your results are real . Find who created that program and if it is effective.

4. Fun. Music and joy


"Although there are more people who register to a gym, the reality is that 68% of new users will not return after three months," says Mársico.

And you, are you in motion?

Video Medicine: Blessing Others: Beyond Laziness, Selfishness and Fear (April 2024).