A life without sounds?

Without it, our life would not be the same. The Sense of hearing It is the mechanism through which our body receives the sound waves of the environment that surrounds us, so that later the brain endows them with a meaning. However, how can we take care of our hearing in a space like work.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Mario Alberto Flores, specialist of AURA Auditory Solutions , points out that exposure to loud noises, whether untimely such as explosions, gunshots, pyrotechnics, aircraft turbines, etc., can cause hearing loss or deafness, but not only that: constant noises even at moderate intensities can also produce it. Therefore, it is common that stylists, dentists, laboratory technicians and seamstresses often present some degree of hearing loss

A life without sounds?

For Alberto Flores anyone who is exposed to sounds High intensity in industries such as aeronautics, transportation, construction, maquiladora, metal-mechanics, entertainment and the like, is at risk of suffering hearing loss to some degree. Therefore, it offers the following recommendations:

1. It is imperative to use systems of hearing protection according to the intensity of the sound to which you are exposed.

2. Use plugs.

3. Periodic check-up with a hearing expert

The hearing protection benefits not only the worker but also the company, which thereby avoids payments for hearing impairment.

The Sense of hearing it is the first that develops; From the eighth month of pregnancy the baby shows response to the sound stimuli of the environment.What are you waiting to take care of your ears?

Video Medicine: A World Without Sound: Hearing Loss Awareness (April 2024).