
The stroke is a vascular brain accident What happens when the blood flow in the brain is altered, sometimes we do not detect that an episode is going to happen, that's why it's important to know the stroke symptoms .

You can also see: 8 factors that trigger a stroke

According to research carried out byr The University of Texas , recent studies prove that today a brain death can be prevented if stroke symptoms they are detected in time.

These are the stroke symptoms that you did not know:



When you feel weakness in the face, arms or legs is a clear symptom of stroke .

The Facia paralysis l occurs frequently. The feeling of not being able to move a part of the face is exasperating but it is necessary to take care of it immediately.

Tingling in the hands and feet can be another symptom that can go unnoticed.


Intense headache

Many people have frequent headaches or migraine headaches and for that reason they do not take care of themselves or prescribe themselves when they have a headache.

When the headache it is very intense it is necessary to see the doctor immediately, it is a sign of alarm of a stroke.


Difficulty of language

This is called aphasia . You can notice slowness in speaking and pronouncing words.

They can also say inconsistencies and they do not really understand what they say.

It is a clear sign that they are suffering from vascular brain accident .


Vision problems

This happens when the effusion is in the right hemisphere, which is responsible for visual recognition and vision in general.


Loss of balance

When the balance gets complicated and we can not keep it is one of the most alarming symptoms of stroke.

The lack of coordination indicates that the effusion is in the left hemisphere.

Not all are necessarily present stroke symptoms However, it is very important that when you detect any of these symptoms you should go to the doctor immediately to receive treatment.


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