1. Breakfast

The cravings of food are so common that 100% of women Y 70% of men they present them, the problem is that there are certain mistakes that cause them to get worse.

Women tend to have greater variations in their levels of serotonin , possible reason why they suffer more cravings than men, according to an investigation of the University of Pennsylvania .

Have a whim and pleasing him is not bad, but there are certain mistakes that you commit within your routine that makes them worse and that to some degree can complicate your life, these are some examples.


1. Breakfast "poorly"

Take few calories at breakfast increases the cravings noon; in a study published in the Nutrition Journal the girls who ate in the morning 350kcal with at least 13gr of protein They reduced their desire for sweet and salty foods.

A healthy option is a breakfast consisting of half a cup of cottage cheese, 2 hard-boiled eggs or a cup of cooked oatmeal with two tablespoons of natural honey.


2. Serve you too much

Eat a lot of the food that you get Antoja only cause you want more, the researchers of the Cornell University they assure that a small portion does serve to make you feel satisfaction , and you can even consume on average 76.8% off calories .


3. Not knowing its origin

You can not do anything to attack them if you do not know why they give you, the ideal is to write down how you you feel at the moment they appear: anxious, stressed angry Over time instead of feeling more cravings and eat as a solution, you can control the real origin.


4. Feeling guilty

If you usually eat your cravings with guilt , you're putting your foot down, because people who do that have less control over their Feeding Habits , shows a study published by the magazine Appetite . Avoid feeling bad thinking that it is a taste personal occasional


5. Do not get distracted

If you definitely can not eat that you get Antoja , instead of thinking about it, you have to distract your mind . Take a walk 15 minutes can help reduce cravings of chocolate , and perhaps other foods, says a study of the University of Exeter .


6. Use Instagram or Pinterest

Although it seems unlikely, a small study of the University of Southern California affirms that the images of foods with high content caloric detonate more activity in the reward areas of the brain , which increases your cravings .


7. Do not eat anything

The cravings they are short-lived, but they come back if you do not satisfy them, so it's best to consume "substitute" foods healthy , like fruit or a handful of nuts , recommend Marisa Moore , spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics .

Will be diet is one of the conditions that most cravings it provokes, but that does not imply that you should surrender; in the next video Agustín Bravo , Instructor NLP Americas, explains how to avoid falling into them.

Video Medicine: Poorly Cookin' w/ the King Episode 1 Bacon Egg Cheese Sandwich (Reupload) (May 2024).