Consequences of alcoholism

The earlier a person begins to drink alcohol, the life expectancy is reduced from 10 to 12 years and there is more risk of suffering from various ailments. One of the consequences of alcoholism is that it is a progressive disease that can not be cured, but it can be stopped.

The person has negative behaviors, so he is considered a sick person that puts his physical and mental health at risk as well as his family and social relationship.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, FISAC psychologist Jessica Paredes Durán, explains the consequences of alcoholism and offers the following recommendations.

Excessive and chronic alcohol consumption can severely damage the brain and take several drinks in a short time and can often cause irreversible damage to the brain, reveals the National Library of Medicine of the United States .

Another of the consequences of alcoholism is that it can cause cancer, cognitive deterioration, aggravation of mental disorders and irreversible brain damage.

However, alcoholism is one of the diseases that has the best response to therapy, especially when the person goes to specialized treatment from the early stages of their disease.

It is not a shame to suffer from this disease, as long as you honestly face the problem and try to do something about it.