Celiac diseases

The gluten It is a vegetable protein that mainly in cereals, wheat and barley. As with all foods, some people turn out to be intolerant of certain types of components, as happens with people who should not eat gluten .

You can also see: What is gluten?

The people who are gluten intolerant you should not worry, today there are gluten-free foods.


Celiac diseases

The people who should not eat gluten are the ones that have celiac diseases .

It is a disease that is mainly characterized by the inflammatory reaction due to the lack of absorption of nutrients from the body.

Many of the people who are considered gluten intolerant or who suffer from Celiac Disease they do not know.

There are three types of celiac diseases :

  • Symptomatic -Prevents symptoms such as diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, abdominal swelling.
  • Subclinical - It does not show signs or symptoms.
  • Latent - The symptoms are present sometimes and some do not.



People with celiac diseases they must have a strict diet gluten free .

They should take a diet based on meat, fish, fruit, eggs, vegetables and eat gluten-free rice, cereal and corn.

These are the people who should not eat glute n, but neither should they be deprived of food, today there are many alternatives.


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Video Medicine: What is celiac disease? (April 2024).