10 tips vs cerebral infarction

Stroke, stroke or cerebral infarction is a neurological disorder that can occur when a artery obstructs producing interruption or sudden loss of blood flow to brain , or, it may be the result of the rupture of a glass, resulting in a spill, according to PrevenISSSTE.

Its appearance is abrupt and currently does not occur in only some specific population due to the risk factors that are associated, such as obesity, hypertension, smoking, alcoholism, diabetes and metabolic syndrome .

To learn more about the causes, risk factors and warning signs of this cerebrovascular event, in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of the doctor neurologist Alejandro Gutiérrez :

In the case of cerebral vascular accident, the best treatment lies in the prevention and appropriate management of risk factors. Therefore, we give you some tips for prevention, according to the National Association of Cerebral Attack of the United States (NSA):

1. Take care and control your blood pressure . 2. Find out if in your family some type of disorder or if you are prone to alterations of the heart rate . 3. Yes Do you smoke , stop doing it. 4. If you drink alcohol , do it in moderation. 5. Control and take care of your levels of cholesterol . 6. If you suffer diabetes , follow the doctor's advice to control the levels of glucose . 7. Include exercises physicists in their daily activities (minimum 30 min per day). 8. Limit the consumption of sodium (salt) and fat . 9. Avoid the use of birth control pills if you are over 30 years old. 10. Try to avoid the stress .

Remember, if you have any of the symptoms of a cerebral infarction, or present more than three risk factors, it is necessary to consult your doctor immediately to prevent this type of emergency.

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