5 factors that influence your weight

According to National Survey of Health and Nutrition n, 7 out of 10 Mexicans suffer from obesity and overweight; However, are a high calorie diet and a sedentary lifestyle the only factors that intervene in this problem?

GetQoralHealth and the specialist Mauricio Díaz, from the Institute of Neurology of the UNAM, they present you with the following video through which you can discover what elements or situations contribute to your suffering overweight and obesity:

Beyond the bad habits, the origin of your overweight and obesity can be found inside your organism; for that reason we show you the following 5 elements that can affect your weight:

1. Age The older you are, the fewer calories you need. This is why you begin to gain weight more easily over the years, which is why it is recommended to exercise to maintain muscle tone and not to decrease the basal metabolism.

2. Sex Women have a higher percentage of body fat due to the different biological situations that occur throughout their lives: pregnancy, lactation and menopause.

3. Menopause. During the cessation of ovarian function and with the disappearance of menses, weight is usually gained, in addition to a redistribution of body fat, which accumulates mainly in the abdomen, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

4. Our physical constitution. The size of our bones also influences. Some people are wider, have more athletic bodies than others that have thin bones and look more elongated. This has to do with inheritance and does not depend on the amount of food the person consumes in a day. Of course, in our society, most of us have a medium structure.

5. Diseases and medicines. Some of these may cause overweight and obesity. Among them is the Cushing syndrome. Medications such as steroids or some antidepressants can also cause weight gain.

Maintaining a balanced diet can help you, not only to take care of your weight but your health. Remember, everything starts from the inside out. Beware!

Video Medicine: How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss? (April 2024).